Champlain Valley Head Start (ROI) Release of InformationHead Start & Early Head Start are national programs. Federal regulations require that we obtain certain information in order to determine eligibility for the program and to provide services. In order to best serve your child and family, we sometimes need to share information, in verbal, written, or electronic format, with other agencies. Except as allowed in this authorization and release, Champlain Valley Head Start will not communicate or disseminate any confidential child or family information to organizations or entities outside the organization.Release for Child (Legal Name)* First Middle Last The local school district and/or CIS agency responsible for comprehensive evaluation and development of an IFSP or IEP (if needed) for the purpose of: Obtaining documentation of my child’s comprehensive evaluation and/or IFSP or IEP in order to provide individualized education services to my child and coordinating educational services for my child.*YesNoThe local District Office of the Economic Services Division that administers TANF (Reach Up) ) and SNAP (3SquaresVT) benefits for the purpose of: Obtaining TANF and/or SNAP documentation to determine eligibility for the Head Start program, coordinating the family goal setting process and contacting my family if direct communication methods fail.*YesNoThe local Community Care Support Agency that administers the Child Care Financial Assistance program for the purpose of: Obtaining Child Care Financial Assistance documentation to determine eligibility for specific Head Start program options and coordinating the enrollment of my child in Head Start and/or its collaborative partner sites.YesNoThe local District Office of the Family Services Division for the purpose of: Obtaining documentation to determine eligibility for the Head Start program and coordinating family safety/support services.YesNoOther OrganizationYesNoPlease Specify OtherParent/Legal Guardian Name (Printed)* First Last Release Date* Month Day Year By signing this release, I authorize Champlain Valley Head Start to exchange information with, release information to, and/or obtain information from, the organizations listed above. .* Δ