Champlain Valley Head Start is a federally funded program which is required to follow eligibility guidelines as determined by the U.S. Administration for Children and Families.
The two primary criteria are as follows:
- Are you an expectant mother or have a child age birth to 5?
- Can you provide documentation for at least one of the following?
- Reach Up
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- 3SquaresVT/SNAP Benefits
- Foster Child
- Homelessness
- If none of the above, 12 months family income within 100% of the federal poverty level (a limited number of families up to 130% of federal poverty guidelines can also be served)
Champlain Valley Head Start can enroll a limited number of families who do not meet the conditions listed above. Please submit an interest form to determine if there is an option available for your family!